The sea is an element of nature where time has little or almost no influence. The poet finds the sea to be just as it was in the photograph of her mother's sea holiday with her cousins.
What does the sea represent in the poem?
- In both Whitman's poetry and prose, the sea functions as a symbol of the divine source of humanity and the rest of creation. (This level of meaning is often implicit and must be inferred, as noted above, from its recurring usage.)
- The sea has been mentioned in the poem to draw the comparison between the sea and human life. how the sea is immortal and human life is mortal. the sea is still there but not the poet's mother.
- The reference to the sea, in the poem A Photograph is important because the poet is trying compare and contrast the immortality of sea with the mortality of humans. Throughout the years, the sea has not changed, but poet's mother grew up then died and became a memory.
- 'On the Sea' by John Keats conforms to the pattern of a traditional, fourteen-line, Petrarchan sonnet. The text is contained within one block, but can be separated into two sections. One containing eight lines, known as an octet, and one with six, a sestet.
To learn more about sea and the poet refer to: