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Homophones are words that have the same pronunciation but different meanings and spellings. Here are twenty examples of homophones with explanations:

Bear (noun): a large, carnivorous animal with thick fur, sharp claws, and a strong body.
Bear (verb): to carry or hold something, often with difficulty.
Brake (noun): a device used to slow or stop a vehicle or machine.
Break (verb): to cause something to separate into pieces as a result of being hit, dropped, or otherwise damaged.
Their (possessive pronoun): belonging to or associated with them.
There (adverb): in, at, or to that place.
They're (contraction): a shortened form of "they are."
Tail (noun): the appendage at the back end of an animal's body.
Tale (noun): a story, often one that is fictitious or exaggerated.
Two (number): the number 2.
Hole (noun): an opening or cavity in something.
Whole (adjective): complete or entire.
Knight (noun): a mounted soldier in the Middle Ages.
Night (noun): the period of darkness between sunset and sunrise.
Right (adjective): correct, proper, or true.
Write (verb): to mark or inscribe (letters, words, etc.) on a surface.
Sea (noun): a large body of saltwater.
See (verb): to perceive with the eyes or understand.
Son (noun): a male offspring.
Sun (noun): the star around which the Earth and other planets revolve, from which they receive light and heat.

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