While initially just a regular farm pig, he soon rises to become the oppressive "President" of Animal Farm, which he converts into a dictatorship. He does this by banishing Snowball, another pig who is his rival for power, and by taking advantage of the animals' revolt against their owners.
Napoleon transforms into a repressive autocrat and starts to imitate many traits of human behavior. Near the end of the novel, the pigs begin to stand on their hind legs, consume alcohol, dress themselves, and wield whips. The notoriously modified version of the Ten Commandments now reads, "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." It is altered to "Four legs good, two legs better" from the adage "Four legs good, two legs poor."
Napoleon meets Pilkington of Foxwood Farm and other farmers at the novel's conclusion. They report that on this farm, the animals are forced to work harder for less food than they do on other farms they have visited. Napoleon informs the other farmers of his decision to do away with the term "comrade" and says that the farm will once again be known as Manor Farm. He and Pilkington get into an argument after both drawing an ace of spades in a card game shortly after stating their similarities. The pigs have resembled people so closely in behavior and appearance that animals outside that are observing through a glass cannot distinguish between a pig and a human.
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