
Getta Byte Software—The Project Scope We need a new billing system. Why? The one we have works fine. It's manual, time-consuming, and inaccurate. There is that... So, it has to be automated, fast, and accurate. An online system Easy data entry Dynamic updates to receivables It should save us 25% in labor per month. We need to work with a bunch of people. CEO, CFO, Finance, Billing, Customer Service How will we know if it is a successful system? Billing cycles are reduced by 30% We must do the first pilot by September 1. That means development and testing is done by August 15. Final release will be complete on September 10. If we are able to generate reports dynamically... Speed up transactions and response time... We'll be golden! We only have $250,000 to spend on this project. What if while we are replacing the system, we have network issues? There is a risk in data transfer from our paper records to the new system. That budget is going to be a challenge—a real constraint. We have to assume that our most of our current customer data are correct. We won't be able to do anything with accounts receivable. We won't be able to change our financial system of record, either except to interface. I think that's all I need for a charter. The End

Discuss the billing project charter and submit a one- to two-page paper. Consider what additional risks, assumptions, or requirements Getta Byte should include in this charter. What have they missed? What would you add if you were the project manager?