Fibroids in the uterus are growths that are also known as leiomyomas or myomas.
The uterine muscle that makes them. They are exceedingly prevalent and non-cancerous. In actuality, 75 to 80 percent of individuals with uteruses will get a diagnosis of fibroids at some point in their life. A uncommon kind of cancer known as leiomyomas , or LMS, develops in the smooth muscles. The body's hollow organs, such as the intestines, stomach, bladder, and blood arteries, include smooth muscles. The uterus contains smooth muscle in females as leiomyomas . Despite being benign, they frequently cause severe symptoms such anemia and heavy, irregular, and extended menstrual flow. In addition, uterine cancer , leiomyomas have been linked to a variety of other medical conditions, including infertility.
Learn more about leiomyomas here: