Ordinal level of measurement means the data is in a specific order, where the values are ranked relative to each other, but no meaningful differences between them can be determined. Letter grades in a course are an example of ordinal data.
The levels of measurement define how data is collected and what types of analysis can be performed on the data. Nominal data is used to classify data into categories, while ordinal data is used when data is in a specific order and can be ranked relative to each other. Ratio data includes a meaningful zero point, while interval data includes the ratio data and also has equal intervals between numbers. The letter grade in a course is an example of ordinal data, as the grades are in a specific order and can be ranked relative to each other (i.e. an A is better than a B), but no meaningful difference between the values can be determined. For example, the difference between an A and a B is not necessarily the same as the difference between a B and a C. This means that ordinal data is not suitable for most mathematical operations, as the distance between each value is not known.
Learn more about Ordinal level here