When enough atp is made in a cell, the atp can prevent glycolysis from happening by preventing the first enzyme in glycolysis (hexokinase) from working. endergonic inhibition
ATP had an inhibitory impact on soluble hexokinase similar to that on a whole-homogenate hexokinase, so that the ATP inhibition could not be explained with the aid of a conversion of particulate into soluble hexokinase (that's extra touchy to inhibition with the aid of glucose 6-phosphate).
In anaerobic situations, the cellular needs to maintain appearing glycolysis to generate 2 ATP consistent with glucose because if a cell isn't always generating any ATP, it will die. word that the handiest part of aerobic respiratory that bodily makes use of oxygen is the electron shipping chain.
Hexokinase undergoes an triggered fit conformational trade whilst glucose binds. This conformational alternate prevents the hydrolysis of ATP, and is allosterically inhibited via physiological concentrations of glucose-6-phosphate the product.
Learn more about hexokinase here