If a nucleus of a yellow people eater is put into the egg of a blue people eater and then implanted into a red people eater, what color would the baby be? WHY?

Respuesta :

Oh Lordy what is this I'm so confused
Well, provided that the nucleus is supposed to be scientific for sperm, the baby would probably be either blue, yellow or green (gene variations, they suck XD ). If I'm reading this wrong, and the nucleus is supposed to be more like a fertilized embryo, then probably yellow (presuming the parents were the same color). In the second case, the blue egg would simply be an outer shell and the unfertilized stuff that was previously in the blue egg would become extra food (I believe) for the embryo.....implanting into a red people eater wouldn't have any effect, I mean human babies carried by surrogates don't share that surrogate's genetic info. So depending on the context of "nucleus", the baby will either be yellow, or have a tri-chance of being yellow, blue or green.

This question took a bit of thought XD