quilet when blood vessels are injured, what substances are required to activate clotting factors needed to stop the bleeding?

Respuesta :

Heparin and warfarin are examples of anticoagulants that slow down the clotting process in your body.

Small blood cells called platelets assist our body in forming clots to halt bleeding. our blood's platelets attach to the damaged tissue and become activated to help with this. As a result of their activation, more platelets can be "recruited" to form a platelet "plug" that will limit blood loss from the injured location.

Additionally, the nearby injured cells release THROMBOPLASTIN. This chemical induces the conversion of PROTHROMBIN to THROMBIN.

When thrombin is present, it functions as an enzyme to join fibrinogen molecules to create long, threadlike strands of fibrin, which subsequently entrap erythrocytes as they pass by in the blood.

To know more about Heparin , click the below link
