Tom is a big joker. One day, while sitting at the lunch table with several coworkers, he made a joke about the old clothes that his coworker, John, was wearing. John didn’t say anything at the time, but it really bothered him. He was having financial difficulties and couldn’t afford new clothes. He started to eat lunch by himself, but it really bothered him because he really enjoyed eating lunch with his coworkers. How should John address the situation? By addressing the situation, what do you think will happen?

Respuesta :

john should tell his coworkers the truth about his situation. by doing this, his coworkers may offer him help and his situation could get better.

Even if it's not the purpose, some jokes can upset or hurt people's feelings. It is not a correct attitude to make fun of a person's physical appearance or clothing. What Tom did is not really constructive, so if John was bothered, he should politely tell his colleague that it bothered him. That way Tom could get the realization that he was wrong and apologize for that.