Respuesta :

Even as the pressure increases, the lava's vent explosion is not as dramatic. Effusive eruptions create damage, but typically they also allow for evacuation, so that few or no fatalities occur.

Eruptions from mafic magma are more subdued and effusive. The magma does not erupt with the same explosive force as felsic magma, despite the fact that the pressure is high enough for it to do so.

Through fissures, magma pushes upward toward the surface. The magma eventually rises to the surface and erupts from a vent. In Hawaii, where the lavas are mafic, effusive eruptions are frequent.

An effusive eruption usually allows time for evacuation, making it much less dangerous. Although effusive eruptions rarely result in fatalities, they can nonetheless cause damage.

There is not much anyone can do to prevent a lava flow from destroying a structure or a road, even when they are aware of its impending arrival.

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