If they both start at the same time and from the same point, it will take them 30 minutes to reach starting point at the same time.
Least Common Multiple is the meaning of the abbreviation LCM. The lowest number that may be divided by both numbers is known as the least common multiple (LCM) of two numbers. It can also be computed using two or more numbers. Finding the LCM of a given collection of numbers can be done in a variety of ways. Utilizing the prime factorization of each number and then calculating the product of the greatest powers of the shared prime factors is one of the quickest techniques to determine the LCM of two numbers.
Hannah and Leah are running around a circular track.
Hannah take 5 minute to complete one lap
and Leah take 6 minute to complete one lap.
LCM of 5 and 6
5 × 6
If they both start at the same time and from the same point, it will take them 30 minutes to reach starting point at the same time.
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