Respuesta :

The western regions of the United States and Canada are dominated by mountain ranges.

What is the physical condition of western America?

Western North America is one of the most extensive mountainous regions on the planet, with mountainous terrain extending from north to south for thousands of kilometers (from northern Alaska to southern Mexico) and from east to west for about a thousand kilometers at latitude Colorado. The western United States alone has hundreds of individual mountain ranges, too many to explore in a lifetime. The uplift of these mountain ranges did not occur during a single geological period, but occurred at different times in the geological past in response to the ever-changing plate tectonic forces acting along the along the western edge of the North American plate. The rocks of some mountain ranges have been deformed by multiple plate tectonic events, resulting in a relatively complex rock deformation profile that geologists have struggled to decipher for more than 150 years.

Learn more about western regions