: simile, metaphor, hyperbole, or personification. It is possible that more than one technique is being used. If you can, explain each. 1.He would write, but his hours are as busy/As bees in the sun, Which technique is being used? 2. My words are little jars/ For you to take and put upon a shelf. Their shapes are quaint and beautiful, / And they have many pleasant colors and lusters Which technique is being used? 3 All round the house is the jet-black night;/It stares through the window-pane; It crawls in the corners, hiding from the light, Which technique is being used? 4. Oh, never, if I live to a million, /Shall I feel such a grievous pain Which technique is being used? 5. But words are things, and a small drop of ink,/ Falling, like dew, upon a thought produces What technique is being used? 6. And then my heart with pleasure fills, / And dances with the daffodils. Which technique is being used? 7. Sifted through the grass were daisies, /Open-mouthed, wondering, they gazed at the sun. Which technique is being used? 8. With processions long and winding / With the countless torches lit Which technique is being used? 9. My brain is fire--my heart is lead!/ Her soul is flint, and what am I? Which technique is being used? 10. Carven cathedrals, on a sky Of faintest colour, where the gothic spires fly And sway like masts, against a shifting breeze. What technique is being used?

Respuesta :

1. simile
2. metaphor
3. personification 
4. hyperbole
5. simile
6. personification
7. personification
8. hyperbole
9. metaphor

The Respective phrase indicates the various content and we mentioned as below :

1) likeness, figure-of-speech, analogy

2) analogy, Figure of Speech

3) Soul , Picture and Epitome.

4) Exaggeration , Overstatement

5) Image , type and symbol.

All the above statement phrasing the respective the one word statement and explaining the correct words.

For more information on Technique , please refer the below link :
