Fuzz testing (or fuzzing) is an automated software testing technique used to find hackable software bugs by randomly feeding invalid and unexpected inputs and data into a computer programme in order to detect coding errors and security flaws. AFL Uses QEMU mode to solve the problems.
A software bug is an error, flaw, or fault in the design, development, or operation of computer software that causes it to produce an incorrect or unexpected result, or to behave in unexpected ways.
Debugging is the process of locating and correcting bugs, and it frequently employs formal techniques or tools to do so. Since the 1950s, some computer systems have been designed to prevent, detect, or auto-correct various computer bugs during operation.
Bugs in software can result from mistakes and errors made while interpreting and extracting user requirements, planning a program's design, writing its source code, and interacting with humans, hardware, and programmes such as operating systems or libraries. A buggy programme is one that has many or serious bugs.
Learn more about software bug