.emphasis or stress placed on a syllable or word juncture 2.a sentence that makes a command or request imperative 3.the changes in tone or pitch our voices make pitch 4.a pause used in speech pronunciation 5.the various tones a voice uses when speaking inflection 6.the way we say a word accent

Respuesta :

  • Accent: Emphasis or stress placed on a syllable or word
  • Imperative: A sentence that makes a command or request.
  • Inflection: The changes in tone or pitch our voices make.
  • Juncture: A pause used in speech.
  • Pause: A break or time of waiting that gives emphasis or signals the end of a sentence or phrase.
  • Pitch: The various tones a voice uses when speaking.
  • Pronunciation: The way we say a word.

These are the important element of an English language without which the language can not be effectively communicated. It is basically can important roll in verbal communication. It varies from place to place and individual to individual.

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