Respuesta :
First, let's use the method in its simplest implementation. So, given an unsorted array of various values and asked to print the kth smallest element, the easiest way is to sort it and then to the k-1th position To return an element (considering 0-based indexing) .
To do this, first sort the array, then access the k-1th index containing the kth smallest element of the array.
The time complexity of this method is O(N* log N) due to the sorting algorithm used.
The space complexity of the method depends on the sorting algorithm used. For example, O(N) when using merge sort and O(1) when using heapsort.
Which approach can be used for identifying the kth smallest?
There is a much better approach to finding Kth smallest element, which relies on median-of-medians algorithm. Basically any partition algorithm would be good enough on average, but median-of-medians comes with the proof of worst-case O(N) time for finding the median.
How do you choose the K smallest number from N numbers?
The basic idea here is to create a minimal heap of all n elements and extract the minimal element K times. The last element extracted is the Kth smallest element. Extract the smallest element K-1 times. H. Delete the root and perform K heap operations.
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