Respuesta :

Trying to understand another person's perspective of a situation usually leads to poor comparisons of alternatives for ethical decision making. [FALSE]

About Perspective

In the process of thinking, perspective gives direction to the mind to draw conclusions. The way we see something really depends on the perspective we have on it. Often outside of our conscious nature, the perspective we have actively labels and describes everything around us. This can create a bias for ourselves in perceiving something.

It is not difficult to know and understand the perspectives held by other people. In fact, often we can judge the good or bad perspectives that other people have, and if that perspective is right or wrong. However, just as the eye has difficulty seeing its own form, we often only understand the reality that perspective gives us, but not the understanding of perspective itself.

Living completely in a perspective space is not good, because it can restrain us from feeling life more fully and prevent us from seeing new ideas/points of view. A bad perspective on an individual can create a negative attitude towards oneself. Someone can be more pessimistic than they should be with a bad perspective. This habit can minimize self-potential and prevent individuals from understanding opportunities.

It is impossible to live without perspective bias. However, we can minimize perspective bias

  • First, perspective bias can be reduced by understanding how we think and identifying habitual thinking, familiar emotions, and assumptions that we have. That way, we can avoid the patterns of thinking we usually go through in drawing conclusions.
  • Second, is to question the truth of everything we believe to be true. The purpose of this habit is not to find out the absolute truth. Rather, it is done to test the perspectives we have, while seeking better assumptions and beliefs
  • Third, is self-honesty. Sometimes, the wrong perspective that we have is created within us as a distraction with the aim of gaining comfort and avoiding fear. Being more honest can help us to objectively examine wrong/erroneous perspectives.

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