The model of depression involves a repetitive stressful stimulus, such as electric shock, from which there is no escape is learned helplessness.
When a subject experiences uncontrollable aversive stimuli repeatedly, they develop learned helplessness. It was once believed that it was brought on by the subject's acceptance of their helplessness as evidenced by their cessation of attempts to flee or avoid the unpleasant stimulus, even when such options are clearly presented. The subject was thought to have acquired learnt helplessness after displaying such conduct.
According to research, a person's response to feeling powerless varies depending on the person and the circumstance; hence, learned helplessness can sometimes be situation-specific or spread to other contexts. The original idea of learned helplessness cannot account for such variances, and a popular theory holds that such changes depend on a person's attributional or explanatory style. This perspective holds that one's interpretation or explanation of unfavorable occurrences influences their chances of developing learned helplessness and ensuing despair. For instance, those who have a pessimistic explanatory style are more prone to experience melancholy and learned helplessness because they tend to believe that unpleasant occurrences are permanent ("it will never change"), personal ("it's my responsibility"), and ubiquitous ("I can't do anything right").
To learn more about learned helplessness, refer: