When alcohols undergoes upon heating with concentrated h2so4 without carbocation rearrangement is produces 3-methyl-3-phenyl-2-butanol.
Alcohol +h2so4⇒ Alkene
According to the figure, the dehydration reaction is an elimination reaction that involves carbocation production.
Due to the + Inductive effect of the alkyl groups, tertiary carbocations are the most stable, followed by secondary and primary. As a result, the order in which the carbocation's reactivity and stability occur is as
Secondary alcohol comes after primary alcohol.
One of the most prevalent chemical molecules is alcohol. They are among the most widely produced organic chemicals in industry and are utilized as sweeteners and in the creation of perfumes in addition to serving as important synthesis intermediates for other molecules. The two alcohols that are most well-known are likely ethanol and methanol (or methyl alcohol). In addition to being used to sterilize medical equipment, ethanol is utilized in fuels, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals.
learn more about alcohols here: