The answer is
1 Points in 3D --- uncountably infinite /Finite
2.The set of all functions-- uncountably infinite
3.The set of all circles in the plane--- uncountable
4 . R =the set of functions from N to R which are θ(n^3) -- Uncountable
The quantity of items in a mathematical set is known as a set's cardinality. It may be limited or limitless. For instance, if set A has six items, its cardinality is equivalent to 6: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. A set's size is often referred to as the set's cardinality. The modulus sign is used to indicate it on either side of the set name, |A|.
According to the cardinality a set can be identified as many types ,they are,
To know more about cardinality of sets refer to :