The winner's curse refers to legal liability when the hired managers make decisions that are not in best interest of company owners.
Financial accounting defines a liability as the forfeitures of economic benefits in the future that an entity is obligated to make to other entities as a result of prior transactions or other prior events, the resolution of which may result in the transfer or use of assets, the provision of services, or other future yielding of economic benefits. Liabilities that are currently due for payment are those that can reasonably be expected to be settled this year. They often consist of payables like taxes, accounts, and accounts payable, as well as short-term obligations, unearned income from adjusting entries, and portions of bonds with a long maturity date that must be repaid this year. Current liabilities are debts whose repayment is likely to necessitate the use of current assets, the emergence of new current liabilities, or the rendering of services during the upcoming fiscal year or operational cycle.
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