*Alternative strategies (giving advantages and disadvantages for each). There should be at least two alternative strategies identified and discussed.
*Projected Financial Statements (Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Statement of Cash Flows) for 3 years into the future. This must be broken down by year into two (2) columns: 1 column without your strategy and 1 column with your strategy. The without column should serve as the basis for your with strategy column and only those financial statement accounts that will be changed, based on your strategy, should be impacted.
*Include Projected ratios for the without and with strategy by year. Discuss how these ratios compare and contrast with the historical findings.
*Cost Analysis completed on an Excel tab that outlines the cost that will be incurred to implement the strategy. This information should correspond with the With Strategy on the Projected Financial Statements, linking of cells to the financial statements is encouraged.
*Net Present Value analysis of proposed strategy’s new cash flow – you may also use Excel to solve for this. From the income statement the change in operating income between your with and without strategy should serve as your cash inflow for each year.