your overall objective is to investigate the cholesterol levels by socioeconomic variables and by dietary intake, and if cholesterol is associated with different dietary intakes. the dataset you will use (cholesterol.dta) was created from national health and nutrition examination survey (nhanes) for the year 2011-2012. the nhanes iii is a national survey that combines individual participant survey responses with laboratory data to better understand the health and nutritional status of adults and children in the united states. you can learn more about nhanes iii at the center of disease control

Respuesta :

1. The highest influence on blood cholesterol level is the mix of fats and carbohydrates in your diet, not the total amount of cholesterol you eat from food.

2. Yet it remains important to limit the amount of cholesterol you eat, especially if you have diabetes, for many people dietary cholesterol is not as problematic as once believed.

3. The body uses cholesterol as the starting point to make estrogen, testosterone, vitamin D, and other vital compounds.

4. Cholesterol in the bloodstream, specifically the bad LDL cholesterol, is what’s most important in critical health risks.

Fat and cholesterol cannot dissolve in water or blood. rather, the body packages fat and cholesterol into tiny, protein-covered particles called lipoproteins.

Some of these particles are big and fluffy, while others are small and dense. One of the most important ones are low-density lipoproteins (LDL), high-density lipoproteins (HDL), and triglycerides.

To know more about cholesterol:


Universidad de Mexico