What is the relationship between reason and faith, according to Aquinas?
Reason is subservient to faith.
Faith is subservient to reason.
Faith and reason are equal.
Faith and reason contradict.

Respuesta :

Faith and reason are equal..,

According to Aquinas faith and reason are equal.

Further explanation

Thomas Aquinas or known as Saint Thomas Aquinas was an Italian Catholic priest, a philosopher, and Doctor of the Church. He wrote The Summa Theologica or "Summary of Theology" between 1265-1274, although unfinished this book considered as the most famous work of Thomas Aquinas.

Summa Theologica is a compilation of all of the main theological teachings of the Catholic Church. It is intended as an instructional guide for theology students. Summa Theologica answers many questions regarding Western Christianity and its beliefs. This book describes the relationship between God and man and how the reconciliation has been made through Christ.

According to Aquinas, faith and reason are equal. It is two ways of knowing something. Reason means that we know something by experience or logic, with reason we know that there is God. Faith means we know something because God reveals to us, which comes from the Bible and Christianity. Faith build on reasons, and there is no conflict between them. Faith is the evidence of things that we can not see.

Learn more

Who was Thomas Aquinas https://brainly.com/question/520820

Summa Theologia https://brainly.com/question/3412457

Theology movement brainly.com/question/4306671

Keywords: Aquinas, faith, reason, Christianity