"Click!" That's the sound of safety. That's the
sound of survival. That's the sound of a seat belt
locking in place. Seat belts save lives and that's a
fact. That's why I don't drive anywhere until
mine is on tight. Choosing to wear your seat belt
is a simple as choosing between life and death.
Which one do you choose?
Think about it. When you're driving in a car, you
may be going 60 MPH or faster. That car is
zipping down the road. Then somebody ahead of
you locks up his or her brakes. Your driver
doesn't have time to stop. The car that you are in
crashes. Your car was going 60 miles per hour.
Now it has suddenly stopped. Your body,
however, is still going 60 MPH. What's going to
stop your body? Will it be the windshield or
your seat belt? Every time that you get into a car
you make that choice. I choose the seat belt.
Why does the author write about driving in a car in the second paragraph? What is his purpose?
Refer to the text in your explanation. explain in 1 paragraph