Place the following vessels in the order through which blood would pass, beginning with blood entering the systemic circuit after exiting the heart.

The heart and the vessels along with arteries and capillaries make up the circulatory system that is essential for blood and oxygen transport and circulation throughout the body.
1. Aorta
2. Common iliac artery
3. External iliac artery
4. Femoral artery
5. Popliteal artery
6. Popliteal vein
7. Femoral vein
8. External iliac vein
9. Common iliac vein
10. Inferior vena cava
Aorta is the first vessel in which the blood enters after exiting the heart. Veins are present to transport the deoxygenated blood while the arteries transport the oxygenated blood to the body parts.
The common iliac artery and veins are present in the lower limb region. The external iliac artery supplies the blood to the legs and the lower abdominal walls.
The external iliac vein drains the deoxygenated blood from the lower limbic regions. The femoral arteries and veins transport and collects the oxygenated and deoxygenated blood from the lower body region.
The popliteal vein drains the oxygen-depleted blood from the lower regions of the legs. The inferior vena cava is the large vessel that collects the oxygen-depleted blood from the lower body parts and abdomen back to the heart for further process.
Learn more about the circulatory system here: