A meteorologist is studying the monthly rainfall in a section of the Brazilian rainforest. She recorded the monthly rainfall, in inches, for last year. They were: 10.4, 10.3, 11.7, 11.1, 8.0, 4.4, 2.6, 1.8, 2.5, 4.4, 7.3, 9.5 Calculate the following for the data set: Mean: Median: Mode: Range:

Respuesta :

For the Mean. Add up all you numbers. (10.4+10.3+11.7+11.1+8.0+4.4+2.6+1.8+2.5+4.4+7.3+9.5) then divide by the amount of numbers there is. (12) so the answer is 84/12=ANSWER

Medium: Put all your numbers in ranking order lowest to highest. Find the middle number. If there is 2 then add the two together and divide by 2 and thats your medium.

Mode is the most repeating number. In this equation 4.4 shows up twice while every other number only shows up once; therefore, 4.4 is the mode.

Range is just the lowest number to the highest number. So the range is 2.5-11.7

Here's a way much easier way and not complicated that makes no sense for you guys

Mean: 7

Median: 7.65

Mode: 4.4

Range: 9.9