
So I have a little feelings for this guy. I've told him multiple times that I don't like him. I am best friends with his sister, and it would be super weird if i told him the way I feel, and then his sister and I not to be friends. Tbh I don't know what to do, can some one please help?

Respuesta :

Maybe try to talk with you best friend! She is you best friend for a reason. If she seriously wants to end your friendship over her brother, you need a new best friend. Talk to her. Talk to her brother after. Maybe if you tell your friend, she could also help you let him know that you like him! But if/when you talk to her, make sure to say that you don't want this event to get in the way of your friendship, and you don't want things to be weird. (you don't have to do it this way, but that is what I would do.)