d electron count can exhibit both high-spin and low-spin states in an octahedral complex is d⁶
high spin complex is a complex ion with more unpaired electrons in the d orbitals of the central atom. These ions are known to be paramagnetic.
low spin complex ion is a complex known to have electron pairs at low energy levels.
High-spin and low-spin complexes are characterized based on their magnetic moments.
If the configuration of the complex has an unpaired electron, it is said to be a high-spin complex. If the unpaired electron is missing, the complex is called low-spin.
There are two types of ligands approaching the central metal ion: strong electric fields and weak electric fields. In both cases, the d-orbital splitting is different. In case of strong electric field Δ>P
For weak electric field Δ
where Δ is the crystal field splitting
When. P is the pairing energy
Only d⁶ type electron configurations can display both High Spin (HS) and Low Spin (LS).
d⁶(strong)= t₂⁶g gives LS
d⁶(weak)= t₂⁴g eg³ gives HS
Therefore, only the d 6 electron configuration can give rise to both LS and HS complexes in the presence of strong and weak ligand fields, respectively.
Click here for more information on electron configuration