Wegner propounded the continental drifting theory and stated that continents are moving apart from each other.
To support this theory, he also cited some evidence which proves that continents are really drifting, they are
- Jig saw fit, after matching the coastline of Africa and Soth America and also of North America and Europe, these all coastlines were perfectly fit into each other.
- Fossil fuels, same kind of fossil fuel were found on different continents which are thousands of kilometers away from each other.
- Placer deposits, rocks of minerals were found where there is no evidence of such mineral for example gold's placer found in Ghana coast, but the source are available in Brazil, so it was assumed such deposits were derived from Brazilian plateau in Ghana.
- Rocks, of same age were found on different continents so it was assumed that once these continents are together like in case of Brazilian and African plateau.
- Tillite deposits, are the sediments deposited by the glaciers and such similarities were found over India, Africa, Antartica, Australia (once they all were part of Gondwana).
But such evidence was enough to support its theory because other scientists were not satisfied with the forces that cause this drifting of continents.
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