at the arteriolar end of a capillary, the net oncotic pressure is 20 atmospheres and the net hydrostatic pressure is 15 atmospheres. in which direction will water move across the capillary wall?

Respuesta :

This pressure, which causes filtration and which is greatest at the arteriolar end of the capillary and least at the venular end, pushes fluid out of the capillary.

The pressure may decrease by 15–30 mmHg along the capillary's length depending on the organ (axial or longitudinal pressure gradient). The capillary's axial gradient favours reabsorption at the venular end and filtration at the arteriolar end (where PC is highest) (where PC is the lowest). The ratio of post-to-precapillary resistances (RV/RA), artery and venous pressures (PA and PV), and capillary hydrostatic pressure (CHP) all contribute to the average capillary hydrostatic pressure. Although a given change in PA is only about one-fifth as efficient in increasing PC, a rise in arteriolar or venous pressure will raise capillary pressure.

Learn more about arteriolar here