While some of the European overseas expansion in the late fifteenth and early 16th centuries relied on modern technology, it was significantly more dependent on cutting-edge methods.
In the late 15th century, European countries started a period of aggressive exploration and conquest into the "New World." In search of new goods and money in the aftermath of the Black Death epidemic, Europe attempted to expand trade and connections with the rest of the world in the late 15th century. Exploratory were driven by profit to look for fresh trade routes to the Orient and bypass intermediaries.
By the beginning of the 16th century, Spanish conquistadors had penetrated far into Central and South America. European explorers first landed in Rio de la Peña in 1516. Asunción, located in what is now Uruguay, and Buenos Aires, a Spanish colony, were both established in 1536 and 1537, respectively. Buenos Aires was abandoned in 1541 because indigenous peoples attacked the city and drove the immigrants out. In 1580, Juan de Garay established a second, permanent settlement.
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