Respuesta :
Immigration policies recognize that immigration most benefits the host economy and that immigrants contribute as much as regular citizens by paying taxes, observing the law, and even serving in the militaries of their new country. [TRUE]
About right and obligation of immigrants
Immigration is a series of activities in the provision of services and law enforcement as well as securing the entry and exit of every person to and from the territory of a country.
This includes monitoring the presence of foreign nationals in the territory of the state.
Foreigners have rights and obligations that are different from those of Indonesian citizens. Foreigners are subject to certain restrictions.
Following are the rights and obligations of foreigners in various fields:
- Politics Sector
In the political field, immigrants are not allowed to interfere in domestic politics. Therefore, every foreigner does not have the right to vote, both active and passive voting rights in general elections in Indonesia.
- Economic Sector
Every foreigner who works and carries out business activities in country must have a valid work permit and business permit from the Minister of Manpower in accordance with the law.
The work and business activities of foreigners must not endanger national interests, particularly with regard to job opportunities and the labor market.
In addition, foreigners also have tax obligations. The guarantor or taxpayer is the head of the family or someone deemed so by law. The foreign tax is levied each time for a period of three years based on conditions at the start of that period.
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