The bulb glows when connected to some objects. But it does not glow when some objects like eraser, wood, plastic, etc,. are used to complete the circuit. Such materials are called insulators.
A substance in which electrical current cannot easily flow is referred to as an electrical insulator. The insulator's atoms contain closely bonded electrons that are difficult to move. Electric current can flow more easily through other materials, such as semiconductors and conductors. Insulators have greater resistivities than semiconductors or conductors, which is the characteristic that makes them stand out. The most frequent instances are non-metals.
Additionally, the brightness of the bulb varied depending on what was being utilized. The lamp, for instance, shone brightly when a hefty coin was used. The bulb's brightness diminished when a long, thin cable was employed. The bulb's brightness decreased as the pencil lead was utilized.
This is due to differences in the electrical resistance of various things. When the resistance is high, the current is reduced and the light from the bulb dims.
Metals dominate the items that made the lightbulb shine. In general, metals carry electricity well. The bulb would therefore be quite bright.
Learn more about insulators here: