Logic/Venn Diagram1. No environmentally produced diseases are inherited afflictions. Some psychological disorders are not inherited afflictions. Therefore, some psychological disorders are environmentally produced diseases.2. All watercolors are paintings. Some watercolors are masterpieces. Therefore, some paintings are masterpieces3. No illegal aliens are persons who have a right to welfare payments, and some migrant workers are illegal aliens. Thus, some persons who have a right to welfare payments are migrant workers.4. No insects that eat mosquitoes are insects that should be killed. All dragonflies are insects that eat mosquitoes. Therefore, no dragonflies are insects that should be killed.5. All corporations that overcharge their customers are unethical businesses. Some unethical businesses are investor-owned utilities. Therefore, some investor-owned utilities are corporations that overcharge their customers.

Respuesta :

1. No environmentally produced diseases are inherited afflictions. Some psychological disorders are not inherited afflictions. Therefore, some psychological disorders are environmentally produced diseases. This statement invalid.

2. All watercolors are paintings. Some watercolors are masterpieces. Therefore, some paintings are masterpieces. This statement is invalid.

3. No illegal aliens are persons who have a right to welfare payments, and some migrant workers are illegal aliens. Thus, some persons who have a right to welfare payments are migrant workers. This statement is valid.

4. No insects that eat mosquitoes are insects that should be killed. All dragonflies are insects that eat mosquitoes. Therefore, no dragonflies are insects that should be killed. This statement is invalid.

5. All corporations that overcharge their customers are unethical businesses. Some unethical businesses are investor-owned utilities. Therefore, some investor-owned utilities are corporations that overcharge their customers. This statement is valid.

A Venn diagram uses overlapping circles or other shapes to illustrate the logical relationships between two or more sets of items. Often, they serve to graphically organize things, highlighting how the items are similar and different.

Venn diagrams, also called Set diagrams or Logic diagrams, are widely used in mathematics, statistics, logic, teaching, linguistics, computer science and business. Many people first encounter them in school as they study math or logic, since Venn diagrams became part of “new math” curricula in the 1960s. These may be simple diagrams involving two or three sets of a few elements, or they may become quite sophisticated, including 3D presentations, as they progress to six or seven sets and beyond. They are used to think through and depict how items relate to each within a particular “universe” or segment. Venn diagrams allow users to visualize data in clear, powerful ways, and therefore are commonly used in presentations and reports. They are closely related to Euler diagrams, which differ by omitting sets if no items exist in them. Venn diagrams show relationships even if a set is empty.

Say our universe is pets, and we want to compare which type of pet our family might agree on.

Set A contains my preferences: dog, bird, hamster.

Set B contains Family Member B’s preferences: dog, cat, fish.

Set C contains Family Member C’s preferences: dog, cat, turtle, snake.

The overlap, or intersection, of the three sets contains only dog. Looks like we’re getting a dog.

Of course, Venn diagrams can get a lot more involved than that, as they are used extensively in various fields.

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