The two kinds of HIV resistance that exist are caused by a genetic variation called CCR5-delta 32. HIV is prevented from entering immune cells by CCR5-delta 32.
The CCR5 co-receptor on cells' exteriors shrinks more than usual and stops sticking out from the cell as a result of the mutation. The CCR5 co-receptor functions as a doorway for HIV to enter cells. In a sense, the CCR5-delta 32 mutation "locks the door," preventing HIV from entering the cell. 1% of Northern European descendants, especially Swedes, are immune to HIV infection. These fortunate individuals are homozygous carriers of the mutant gene, which means they received a copy from each parent.One copy of the gene was inherited by an additional 10–15% (some sources put the percentage as high as 18%) of people of European ancestry. A mutation with only one copy does not protect against infection. But it does slow the spread of AIDS and lessen the risk of infection for the carrier. The CCR5-delta 32 mutation has not been identified in Africans, East Asians, or Amerindians because it is primarily associated with the Eurasia region.
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