The required time need to fire the rockets to achieve the desired condition is by the relationship of centripetal acceleration by angular acceleration and angular velocity, t = [tex]\sqrt{gR}\frac{M}{2T}[/tex]
What is Centripetal Acceleration?
Centripetal acceleration is a characteristic of an object's motion along a circular path. Centripetal acceleration applies to any item travelling in a circle with an acceleration vector pointing in the direction of the circle's center. In your daily existence, you must have encountered numerous instances of centripetal acceleration. A centripetal acceleration occurs when you drive in a circle, and a centripetal acceleration also occurs when a satellite orbits the Earth. Centripetal refers to being in the middle.
Radius of the spaceship in the form of a wheel = R
Mass of the spaceship concentrated at its rim = M
Radial acceleration of any object placed on the spaceship = g
Thrust exerted by the rocket = T
Time needed to fire the rockets = t
I understand the question you are looking for
"A crew of scientists has built a new space station. The space station is shaped like a wheel of radius R with essentially all its mass M at the rim. When the crew arrives the station will be set rotating at a rate that causes an object at the rim to have radial acceleration g thereby simulating Earth's surface gravity. This is accomplished by two small rockets each with thrust T newtons mounted on the station's rim. How long a time t does one need to fire the rockets to achieve the desired condition?"
To know more Centripetal Acceleration check out: