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According to the research on divided-attention tasks, when people divide their attention between two stimuli: they typically make more errors.

What happens when attention is distributed?

Diverted attention occurs when your mental focus is on more than one idea or task at once. This ability is also called multitasking, and many people do it subconsciously. A good example of this is singing along to a song while driving a car.

What Factors Affect Divided Attention?

Previous research on factors influencing split attention has focused on brain regions that control resource allocation, participant age, task difficulty and familiarity, motor effects, and dual-task performance.

How do you test attentional dispersion?

In this test, officers look for signs of impairment, such as the ability to balance without rocking, use the arms, jump, and put the foot down. Both the walking turn test and the single leg standing test require subjective analysis by the police officer administering the test.

Learn more about divided attention :