In the water cycle, vaporization causes water from rivers, lakes, and streams to enter the atmosphere. In the carbon cycle, transpiration refers to the process by which water leaves a plant's leaf pore.
Both living and non-living things, such as the atmosphere, soil, water, plants, animals, and microorganisms, participate in the nitrogen cycle. In order to move through the numerous stages of the cycle, nitrogen must change its forms.
The biogeochemical process known as the nitrogen cycle is how nitrogen transforms into a wide range of chemical forms as it travels through ecosystem in the atmosphere, upon land, and in the sea. It is possible to convert nitrogen using both biological and physical methods.
Through a biogeochemical process called the nitrogen cycle, nitrogen is transformed into a variety of forms and successively moves from the atmosphere to the soil to living things and back into the atmosphere. Nitrogen fixation, nitrification, denitrification, decay, and putrefaction are just a few of the processes that are involved.
Significant effects on the nitrogen cycle are caused by numerous human activities. The amount of nitrogen that is biologically available in an ecosystem can be significantly increased by burning fossil fuels, applying fertilizers with nitrogen, and engaging in other activities
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