Due to increased sensitivity to extracellular volume depletion, pay close attention to your level of hydration.
What about beta blocker?
- You must keep an eye on your patient for bradycardia and hypotension, including orthostatic hypotension, as beta blockers lower blood pressure and heart rate.
- Having stated that, always take your blood pressure and heart rate before administering the dose.
- Due to the effects on Beta-2 receptors that may potentially result in bronchoconstriction, nonselective beta blockers should be used with caution in patients who also have asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
- As a result, beta blockers effectively lower blood pressure and cardiac preload and may be helpful for patients with hypertension.
- The workload on the heart is reduced as a result of beta blockers' reductions in heart rate, cardiac output, and blood volume.
- Apical pulse taken before administration. Withhold medication and alert a medical professional if the heart rate falls below 50 bpm or if an arrhythmia occurs.
- Metoprolol should be administered with meals or right after eating.
Learn more about beta blocker here: