Patch testing is the most effective method for determining irritant contact dermatitis. The materials are taped to your back using a non-allergic tape of some sort. They might occasionally be fastened to the upper arms.
The skin becomes dry, cracked, itchy, blistered, and irritated as a result of contact dermatitis.
Darker skin can turn dark brown, purple, or grey, while lighter skin can turn red. After being exposed to an irritant or allergy for a few hours or days, this reaction typically happens.
Symptoms of contact dermatitis often disappear in two to three weeks. Your symptoms will almost certainly recur if you continue to come into contact with the allergy or irritant.
Two frequent and frequently misunderstood kinds of eczema are atopic dermatitis and contact dermatitis.
Both of these inflammatory skin disorders have similar symptoms, but they have different underlying causes. While contact dermatitis is brought on by external stimuli, atopic dermatitis is an interior skin disorder.
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