Original sin is the doctrine, largely formulated by St. Augustine (via the later epistles of St. Paul), that all human beings are bound together in sinfulness and pride.
What is sin?
Sin is a violation of divine rule in a religious context. The concept of sin is interpreted differently in every society. While sins are typically thought of as actions, any thought, word, or deed deemed immoral, self-centered, shameful, harmful, or alienating may be referred to as "sinful."
Original sin, according to the Christian teaching of Augustine, is everyone is born with sin. This implies that people have a natural urge to sin and disobey God instilled into them from birth. Within the Roman Catholic Church, it is a crucial dogma. St. Augustine provided a thorough explanation of Original Sin, and the Councils of Trent in the 16th century codified it as part of Catholic theology. This concept comes from the biblical tale of the disobedience of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.
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