The number of 4-digits numbers less than 6000 that can be found is 1000 numbers.
A divisibility rule is a convenient shorthand for checking if an integer is divisible by a given set divisor without actually doing the division, typically by looking at the digits of the number.
Note that:
4-digits numbers less than 6000And 4 digits number always starts from 1000That is, 1000 - 6000 all together.
To get the number of times the 4-digits numbers are divisible by 5 and remainder of 0.
The difference between 6000 and 1000= 5000
To get how many distinct digits that are divisible by:
55000/5 = 1000
Therefore, 1000 numbers of 4-digit numbers are divisible by 5 having a remainder of 0.
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