Respuesta :

Macbeth will be a thane, Macbeth will be king and Banquo's sons will be kings was predicted by the three witches in act i of the tragedy of macbeth.

Act 4, scene 1 of the play finds Macbeth visiting the witches, who proceed to tell him three additional prophesies. Macbeth is warned by the first witch to "Beware of Macduff." The second witch advises Macbeth to be courageous and steadfast because no one who is a woman's child will hurt him. Because Macbeth won't be defeated until "Great Birnam Wood to lofty Dunsinane Hill Shall come against him," the third witch exhorts him to be "lion-mettled." Two of the three predictions influence Macbeth to behave hastily and irrationally. The witches take advantage of Macbeth's arrogance, and he falls prey to his own conceit. When Macduff claims that he was "Untimely plucked" from his mother's womb, Macbeth soon realizes that he was duped by the predictions.

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Universidad de Mexico