The same NPN bipolar transistor operates in saturation region where it develops VBESAT = 0.8 V and VCESAT = 0.2 V. It also produces a base current, IBSAT, 10 times larger than the active-region base current, IBACT.If the transistor requires a collector current, ICSAT = 30 mA, to operate in saturation region, find RB and RC to satisfy the proper transistor operation. Use the IC-VCE characteristics below for calculations.

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The DC current gain of a transistor is represented by DC beta (DC), which is the relationship between the DC collector current and the DC base current. As a result, the DC collector current depends on the value of the DC beta (DC).

The DC beta (DC), which is identical to the hybrid parameter (hFE) that can be found on transistor datasheets, is the first parameter. The DC current gain of a transistor is represented by DC beta (DC), which is the relationship between the DC collector current and the DC base current. As a result, the DC collector current depends on the value of the DC beta (DC).

However, you will discover that the DC beta (DC) parameter is not constant if you look at a BJT datasheet. It varies depending on the junction temperature and the collector current. As seen in the picture below, increasing collector current causes the DC beta (DC) to increase and reach its maximum value, given that the junction temperature is not changing.

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