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An anticline is the type of fold occurs when the oldest rock layers are found within the center of the deformation.


The oldest rocks are in the heart of an anticline, which has a ∩-shape. The rocks slope away from the fold's center. In the heart of an anticline, you will find the oldest rocks. The youngest rocks are draped over them at the structure's apex.

Anticlines (convex-up fold structures in rock layers) are frequently related with compressional tectonic pressures that buckle and fold layers. Anticlines can also form when extensional forces produce normal faults in a rock mass, provided the faults' steepness (dip) varies with depth.

On a geologic map, anticlines are typically identified by a series of progressively older rock layers toward the center of the fold, as the elevated core of the fold is preferentially eroded to a deeper stratigraphic level than the flanks.

Domes refers to the rocks' circular upfolds. Anticlines are significant "structural traps" in petroleum geology, as petroleum flowing up the dip along a flank of the fold gets captured at the crest.


(1) synclines

The downward arc or curve of a fold is a syncline. In geology, a fold is a bend in a rock layer induced by forces within the earth's crust. The forces that generate folds range from minute variations in pressure within the earth's crust to massive collisions between the crust's tectonic plates.

(2) monoclines

Monoclines are folds with two horizontal (or nearly horizontal) arms joined by a shorter inclined arm. They are comparable to anticlines, which are two inclined limbs dipping away from each other, and synclines, which are two inclined limbs sinking toward each other.

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