which of the following consume other living organisms? i. primary producers ii. herbivores iii. carnivores iv. decomposers

Respuesta :

Herbivores and Carnivores consume other living organisms.

Since they are at the base of the food chain and generate the material and store the energy, plants are referred to as primary producers. An animal is classified as a herbivore if it obtains all of its energy from eating plants. A creature known as a carnivore mostly consumes animal flesh or meat. Carnivores are sometimes referred to as predators. Prey refers to the creatures that carnivores hunt. The food web includes a lot of carnivores. Decomposers are the microorganisms responsible for turning dead plants and animals into humus. Fungi and bacteria are two examples. Decomposers recycle and transform dead matter into humus, which mixes with soil in forests and gives plants the nutrients they need to grow.

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