Respuesta :

last year they gave 80% to school which was 3200$
and 20%  amount to fund raiser which was  800$
total was 4000$

With the same assumption if this year also they want to give 80% to the school which is 4000 this year

80% of X=4000

total they need to earn this is year is 5000$ so they can give 4000$ to the school.

A) They need to earn 1000$ more to earn before paying the cost.

B)This is they need to earn 5000$

2) DJ KAy Cee charges 150 $ per hr
DJ Fab Fred charges 180$ per hrs

so for some hrs they both will cost same charges
lets say x is charges for DJ kay and y is cost for DJ Fred


means DJ key will charge the same if he work for 6 hr to the DJ fred if he worked 5 hrs