Do you go to the movies at least twice a week?Yes No TotalMale 35 45 80Female 67 28 95Total 102 73 175Jasmine wants to find out how manystudents at her school go to themovies at least twice a week. Sheinterviews 175 students and recordstheir gender and a yes if they go atleast twice a week and no if they goless than twice a week. She displaysthe results in the table.What is the probability that a personwho does not go to the movies atleast twice a week is male (round tothe thousandth)?

Respuesta :

We have to determine the probability that a person who does not go to the movies at least twice a week is male.

From the table , it is given that there are total 73 students who does not go to school atleast twice a week.

Also, the number of male students whod does not go to school atleast twice a week is, 45.

Therefore, the probability that a person who does not go to the movies at least twice a week is male is determined as.
